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  "The Greeks often made drink-offerings called
sponde ("libation") to the gods on solemn occasions.
A slow meter use in poetry read on such occasions
also came to be called sponde and it was this word
that gave us our word spondee, for a "metrical foot
of two stressed or long syllables." The spondee is
often used to slow the rhythm of a line."

(Robert Hendrickson, The Henry Holt Encyclopedia
of Word and Phrase Origins
, New York, NY)

   The many different names for various metrical feet
are summed up rather well in Coleridge's little poem
"Metrical Feet", which he wrote for one of his sons;
each line written in the foot that it names.  The only
style omitted being Pyrrhic (the antithesis of a
), having two unstressed feet.

 "Trochee trips from long to short;
 From long to short in solemn sort
 Slow Spondee stalks; strong foot! yet ill able
 Ever to come up with Dactyl trisyllable.
 Iambics march from short to long; --
 With a leap and a bound the swift Anapaests -
 One syllable long, with one short at each side,
 Amphibrachys hastes with a stately stride;--
 First and last being long, middle short, -

 Strikes his thundering hoofs like a proud high-
    bred Racer."

                                 Samuel Taylor Coleridge


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